
Details of Membership of the Knowledge Strategy Committee

2024 - 2025

  • Colm Harmon (Interim Convener)
  • Shereen Benjamin, Court Appointee
  • Richard Blythe, Court Appointee
  • Sarah McAllister, Court Appointee
  • Melissa Highton, Senate appointee
  • Siân Bayne, Senate appointee
  • Patrick Hadoke, Senate appointee
  • Tina Harrison, Senate appointee
  • Gavin McLachlan, Vice-Principal, Chief Information Officer and Librarian to the University
  • Dylan Walch, EUSA Vice-President Education

In Attendance

  • Catherine Martin, Vice-Principal Corporate Services
  • Lee Hamill, Director of Finance
  • Rona Smith, Deputy Secretary Governance & Strategic Planning
  • Gillian Richardson, Interim Director of Strategic Change
  • Jo Craiglee, ISG
  • Anne-Marie Coriat, CMVM
  • Bryne Ngwenya, CSE
  • Lisa Kendall, CAHSS 
  • Lisa Dawson, Academic Registrar
  • Jamie Tait, Governance Manager (Clerk)