The Alan Turing Institute is the UK’s national institute for data science. Founded in 2015, it aims to be a world leader in data science research and innovation. The University of Edinburgh was one of the five universities that founded the Institute, in a joint venture with the universities of Cambridge, Oxford and Warwick, University College London and the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. The Institute aims to attract the best scientists and mathematicians to break boundaries in the use of big data. Its mission is to create global impact through research, training and leadership. It will develop theory and methodology, will partner with businesses and other institutions to create economic and societal impact, will train the next generation of data science leaders and will inform public debate and policy. It is being funded over five years with £42 million from the UK government, with additional funding from the founding universities and business. It is headquartered at the British Library in London. This article was published on 2023-11-21