Educated Pass is a University of Edinburgh sporting initiative that targets school-age boys - particularly those from under-represented groups - through football coaches and clubs. It builds on boys' commitment to sport to generate similar commitment to education. Aspirations, expectations and the whole frame of reference for boys come from the wider community in which they grow up, and boys who struggle academically or come from backgrounds with low aspirations can easily feel excluded from an early age. Educated Pass recognises that sport, in particular football, is a common passion among boys aged 11 to 16 and aims to address the academic underachievement of boys in this age group. The project aims to engage boys, their football clubs, their coaches and their families in education opportunities to raise aspirations. By giving students advice on school, college and university pathways, using sport as the method to engage students, Educated Pass demonstrates that education and career opportunities exist outside the sporting sphere. This article was published on 2023-11-21